Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hard Boiled or Scrambled?

Anyway, I was at Private Hammer's house today. Saw Advent Children, the voices and dialogue were pretty funny, visuals were quite good and the story made little to no sense...fights were pretty good though. At some point he told me he just ate cereal with moth eggs in it. Then after the movie he decided to show me his cereal boxes, which he said had fuzz on them; according to him, moth eggs. At first, I didn't believe it at all, as I have not known moths to lay their eggs in cereal, mostly Cheerios. But lo and behold, moth eggs in the Cheerios. Not only was there fuzz and eggs, but there were live moths in the cereal. They flew out of it. And in one box there was a cocoon. IN THE CEREAL. Agh....disgusting. THAT IS SICK!!!!!!


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