Friday, August 11, 2006

Who Would These People Be If They Were Animals and Why?

Hammer: One of those head-butting dinosaurs, because he has a thick skull.

AverageJoe: A crocodile, cause they are similar.

Dirk: A baboon, because their butts are as bare as his forehead.

NJ: A chimpanzee, because if he were an animal he'd be a chimpanzee.

Onyx: Some kind of wild cat. Maybe a cougar, or a panther. One of those.

Jereality: A lizard of some sort. Couldn't you see it? Definently a lizard.

Jereality's Sibling: A laughing hyena; if you've heard her laugh you will understand my choice.

Hermana: A dog of some kind, perhaps one named Fido.

Sherlock: A buffalo. Buffalo are big, slow and stupid. Hahahaha! I laugh at you, buffalo boy!

The Baron: A thebaronasaurus of course. It's the most awesome of all land, sea, sky, space, and Walmart creatures.


Blogger Jereality said...

HA! That's awesome! I'm a lizard! A poisonous one too....Fwa ha ha ha!!!!

P.S....I love that one part..about WalMart...Made me laugh.....

P.S.S....I picked A hyena too....

9:03 AM  

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